Green Finance Framework
In February 2024, we issued our Green Finance Framework through the support and guidance of Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Green Finance Framework articulates our governance and reporting systems and ensures strict adherence
with the following standards and principles
(collectively the “Principles”) International
Capital Market Association’s (ICMA) Green
Bond Principles (GBP), the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Capital
Markets Forum’s Green Bond Standards
(AGBS) and the Asia Pacific Loan Market
Association, the Loan Market Association
(LMA), and the Loan Syndications and Trading
Association’s (LSTA) Green Loan Principles.
We commit to providing information
with transparency, accuracy and integrity
according to the five key pillars set out in
the framework:
Use of Proceeds
Process for Project Evaluation and Selection
Management of Proceeds
External Review
Green Finance Framework
ADB provided technical assistance to
support project selection, bond framework
development, and capacity building through
the Asian Bond Markets Initiative, which is an
initiative of the governments of ASEAN, the
People’s Republic of China (PRC), Japan, and
the Republic of Korea to develop local currency
bond markets. The PRC Poverty Reduction and
Regional Cooperation Fund financially supports
this technical assistance program. This is part
of ADB’s overall effort to catalyze sustainable
bond issuances across Southeast Asia.